Aiming is precise, with just the right amount of stickiness to keep it from feeling too hard or too easy to hit moving targets.

Play It’s not all just for looks either – a deep love of arcade shooters is present throughout. This mix of goofy fetishism is immediately disarming, setting a unique, charming tone right away. The story revolves around a giant uber-bullet that falls from the sky, shell casings and primer rims are worked into the otherwise-standard environmental art at every opportunity, and many of your enemies themselves are (you guessed it) actual bullets who fire what I suppose are their little cousins out of the guns they hold with stubby, T-Rex-like hands. No really, it's all about that – to a hilarious degree. It’s all wrapped up in a breezy, delightfully silly package that kept me shooting, smiling, and shooting some more.Enter the Gungeon is all about bullets and guns and shooting stuff. Even judged purely by arcade shooter standards, Gungeon makes the grade, and its carefully implemented roguelike elements add variety, structure, and replayability to that base.

Genre fusion can often be nothing more than a developer clumsily smashing together two popular things in order to make a third, ultra mega popular thing, but Enter the Gungeon makes skillful use of elements from both sides of its family tree.