surprisingly the dull combat of occasionally having bullets or daggers to through is miles more fun… but in no way engaging, its mindless and takes no effort… Except for when the game teams you up with useless allies turning this into a baby sitters game… Your ai controlled teammate doesn’t do any damage but they can take damage… So you’ll have to swap characters and keep their health up while trying to accomplish a task with the other character… At Worlds End has its moments in the beginning, and it does mix the gameplay up enough to not make this 6hours feel like an ultimate drag… But none of it is fun or engaging. mostly used to reach collectables that other than score chasing do absolutely nothing for you… To break up the monotony of sword slashing you’ll occasionally do a dueling mini game of blocking in the direction your enemy is attacking and then attack back… not enjoyable in anyway.

This is how it starts out… but it quickly turns into a boring fight enemies, run to a new location fight more enemies, rinse and repeat in uninteresting locations until the credits roll… The platforming and climbing the early parts of this game introduces are sprinkled into levels, but it’s rare and hardly ever has to do with traversing levels. I thought it would be just a linear uncharted or tomb raider type game staring jack sparrow with sword fighting. Because this drains the game of any character or charm and the gameplay is just a chore I enjoyed the first moments of this game. you play as multiple characters throughout this 6 hour journey but you’ll mostly be playing as captain jack sparrow, after the Heart of Davy Jones This game is based off of the movie with the same name and there are few cut scenes here and there but this game is much more focused on the gameplay than the story which isn’t necessarily a good thing. you play as Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End From Fun to a Chore At Worlds End is a game from 2007 so there are no trophies.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End From Fun to a Chore At Worlds End is a game from 2007 so there are no trophies.